How to Remove Funds on Hold with CIBC?

If you have a CIBC bank account and have had funds placed on hold, you may be wondering what you can do to get those funds released. Whether you need the money for bills, rent, or just general expenses, having funds on hold can be a frustrating experience. However, there are a few steps you can take to try and get the hold removed as quickly as possible.

What is a hold on funds?

When a hold is placed on your funds, it means that the bank has temporarily frozen a certain amount of money in your account. This hold may be placed for a variety of reasons, including suspected fraudulent activity, a large deposit that needs to be verified, or a request for payment from a creditor.

Why was a hold placed on my funds?

There are several reasons why a hold may have been placed on your funds at CIBC. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Suspected fraudulent activity: If the bank suspects that your account has been compromised or that you may be involved in fraudulent activity, they may place a hold on your funds as a precautionary measure.
  • Large deposit: If you have made a large deposit into your account, the bank may place a hold on the funds to verify the source of the money. This is a common practice to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities.
  • Payment request: If you owe money to a creditor and they have requested payment through your bank, the bank may place a hold on your funds until the creditor’s request has been satisfied.

How to remove a hold on your funds

If you have had a hold placed on your funds and you need to get it removed, there are a few steps you can take.

Contact CIBC customer service

The first thing you should do is contact CIBC customer service to find out why a hold has been placed on your funds and what you can do to get it removed. You can reach customer service by calling the number on the back of your debit or credit card, or by logging into your online account and using the chat or messaging feature.

Provide any requested documentation

If the hold has been placed due to suspected fraudulent activity or a large deposit, the bank may request that you provide additional documentation to verify your identity or the source of the funds. Be sure to provide any requested documentation as soon as possible to expedite the release of the hold.

Resolve any outstanding debts or issues

If the hold has been placed due to a payment request from a creditor, you will need to resolve any outstanding debts or issues in order to get the hold removed. This may involve paying the creditor the amount they are requesting, negotiating a payment plan, or disputing the debt if you believe it is not valid.

How long will the hold last?

The length of time that a hold on your funds will last will depend on the reason for the hold and the steps you take to resolve the issue. In some cases, the hold may be removed within a few days, while in other cases it may take longer. It is important to work closely with CIBC customer service and follow any instructions they give you in order to get the hold removed as quickly as possible.

Tips for avoiding holds on your funds in the future

To avoid having a hold placed on your funds in the future, there are a few things you can do:

  • Keep your account in good standing: Make sure to always keep your account in good standing by paying any outstanding
  • debts or fees on time and maintaining a positive balance.
  • Monitor your account regularly: Keep an eye on your account and report any suspicious activity to the bank as soon as possible. This will help prevent fraudulent activity and reduce the risk of a hold being placed on your funds.
  • Be cautious when making large deposits: If you plan to make a large deposit into your account, be sure to let the bank know ahead of time. This will help prevent any holds from being placed on your funds while the bank verifies the source of the money.
  • Keep documentation on hand: If you are frequently making large deposits or have had a hold placed on your funds in the past, it can be helpful to keep documentation on hand to verify your identity and the source of the funds. This can include pay stubs, tax returns, and other financial documents.


If you have had a hold placed on your funds with CIBC, don’t panic. By following the steps outlined above and working closely with customer service, you should be able to get the hold removed and access your funds as soon as possible. With a little patience and persistence, you can get your finances back on track and avoid future holds on your funds.

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